Market Structure Insights

PXL 20240512 145600530.PORTRAIT
December 18, 2024

Willie Nelson plays Johnny Dean in the 1997 Barry Levinson movie Wag the Dog, who is hired to write a patriotic song as part of a fake war designed to divert public attention. I don’t recall it but Microsoft Copilot tells me the character struggles...

dreamstime m 22301132
November 13, 2024
Since the re-election of Donald Trump, I’ve seen a half-dozen animated discussions on TV about ending the Federal Reserve, the distant stepchild of Hamilton’s bank....
dreamstime m 183242520
October 9, 2024

Forbes Magazine wrote in Feb 2009 that Warren Buffett is said to have observed, “You pay a very high price in the stock market for a cheery consensus.” On the other hand – you know about the one-handed economist – Baron Rothschild is credited with...

dreamstime m 272701804
September 25, 2024

Tundra is spongy. So are stocks. Somebody facile with words is Peter Heller. Karen and I met him at a book-signing in Steamboat Springs. Things to do abound everywhere but I think one is more aware of them in small towns. We love our little...

dreamstime m 19016204
August 28, 2024

They’ve been running the Palio in Siena officially since 1482 but the history goes further back. We were walking through the Lupa Contrada on the day of the race and I snapped a photo of a trainer walking the Wolf horse. Well, lupa means wolf...

dreamstime m 141315993
August 7, 2024

Copernicus could help us pick stocks.     In a sense, anyway. I’ll explain. Now, I don’t know what’s going to happen next. We did, however, write this July 24: Recognize this: It’s a mathematical impossibility for any meaningful rotation to occur from large caps to...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?