Market Structure Insights
December 7, 2022
When you’re amid the tulips you don’t know it. Much has been written about the Great 17th Century Dutch Tulip Bulb Mania. I’m not going to dredge the channel anew. But taking a skiff back to skim over the surface is worth doing, to remind...
November 30, 2022
Index futures expire today. Well, if you’re reading November 30, that is. I’m flying today from Charleston where we’ve spent the month of November to Phoenix for a panel on the rise of thematic investing at the NIRI Senior Round Table conference. Seems a good...
November 23, 2022
The situation leading to the deodorant-lid discovery is unique. We’re in Charleston for the month of November. Yes, it’s dangerous. The odds of getting fat are high. From the Chubby Fish to all the 167s (you who know Charleston know), the restaurants here turn food...
November 16, 2022
I don’t own cryptocurrencies or NFTs or other digital assets. Let me just offer that first. But anybody, in any market, including the US stock market, should understand the risk of manufactured traffic. I’ll explain. You all know about the collapse at FTX, wunderkind Sam...
November 9, 2022
The only sport bloodier than the MMA Octagon is politics. And it’s more entertaining! I don’t know what happened election night yet, as I’m writing from Charleston, SC at roughly 3pm ET Tuesday. And I don’t know where stocks will finish ahead of the rising...
November 2, 2022
Inflation is our fault. For context, the Federal Reserve today will boost rates. The message will be clear: We consumers need to stop consuming, because we’re driving up prices. We used to understand back when Milton Friedman was credible that inflation is “always and everywhere...