Market Structure Insights

October 28, 2020

The data are more placid than the people. When next we write, elections will be over. We may still be waiting for the data but we’ll have had an election. Good data is everything.  Story for another time. The story now is how’s money behaving...

October 21, 2020

We rode the Colorado National Monument this week with our good friends from Sun Valley. There’s a lesson in it about life and stocks both. We would’ve been riding bikes in Puglia with them now, if not for this pandemic.  Oh, and part of the...

October 14, 2020

There’s one left. This week brings the last pre-election monthly options-expirations cycle. It’s the final time to take or manage risk with options that expire after votes are cast. It might be instructive about trading bets. Options expire Thu-Fri this week, and through Oct 21....

October 7, 2020

You’re wondering what the heck “vahlcue” is. It was up almost 4% in the last hour yesterday as stocks tipped off the diving board. Meanwhile, cue fall.  The photo at right reminds us that today is a consequence of yesterday. Autumn follows summer. In the...

September 30, 2020

You all remember the Fat Finger? It’s a gaffe, trading-style.  In one 2014 instance, if the record can be believed, somebody in Japan accidentally tried to buy $700 billion of stocks including more than half the total outstanding shares of Toyota. The trades occurred outside...

September 23, 2020

What can you control? It’s a question largely abandoned in the modern era under the assumption humans can control everything.  Arrogance often precedes experience-induced humility. But we’re talking specifically about the stock market.  Public companies. Share-performance.  Investor relations. What’s within your sphere of influence? There’s...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?