Market Structure Insights

December 12, 2018

Surly Furious would be a great name for a rock band. And maybe it describes stocks. It’s for certain the name of a great Minnesota beer. We are in Minneapolis, one of our favorite cities, where Midwest client services Director Perry Grueber lives, and where...

December 5, 2018

We take a moment to honor the passing of George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President of the United States, who earned respect across aisles and left a legacy of dignity, achievement and service. Markets are closed today in Presidential honor, perhaps fortuitously, though it won’t...

November 28, 2018

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, keeper of the buck, speaks today. Should we care, investors and investor-relations folks? There’s been less worshipfulness in the Powell Fed era than during the Yellen and Bernanke regimes. Out of sight, out of mind. We tend in the absence...

November 21, 2018

I like Thanksgiving. We may not all always feel grateful for our circumstances, but an attitude of gratefulness is healthy, I’m convinced. So, happy Thanksgiving! Karen and I will be feeling festively appreciative this year high in the Rockies, in Beaver Creek. As November fades,...

November 14, 2018

How is it that stocks and oil fall if no one is selling them? There’s an answer. Tim Tebow once famously sent a one-word tweet: “Motivation.” For Tebow (Karen and I were downtown years ago when Tim was a Denver Broncos quarterback, and we passed...

November 7, 2018

As the colors of political persuasion in the USA ripple today, what matters in the equity market is what the money is doing. We measure Sentiment by company and sector and across the whole market daily. It’s not mass psychology. Rational thought sets a small...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?