Market Structure Insights

December 6, 2017

A day ski pass to Vail will now set you back $160-$190. It’s rich but I’m glad the SEC isn’t studying skiing access fees. It is however about to consider trading access fees and you should know, public companies and investors. These are the gears...

November 29, 2017

In the past week as stocks jetpacked higher, Passive Investment was 36% of trading volume. The data counter a message Passive managers like Blackrock are propagating: We don’t trade, we just follow stock-pickers. That’s not just untrue. It contradicts basic facts. Let me explain using...

November 22, 2017

About 60% of US trading takes place on stock exchanges, the other 40% in private broker-operated markets. Should you be worried that nearly half of trading isn’t transparent? It’s Thanksgiving week so there’s no need for worry! We’re in Vail marking the occasion because everything...

November 15, 2017

We’re in New York this week while companies gather in Dallas for the annual NAREIT conference, the association for real estate investment trusts. Real estate is about 3% of the S&P 500. By comparison, Technology is 23%, the largest by a wide margin over healthcare...

November 8, 2017

We’re in San Francisco at the NIRI meeting, warming up with winter coming to Denver and as summer carries airily on in stocks. What metrics do you use to evaluate your own shares, investor-relations folks, or ones you own, investors? I don’t mean fundamentals like...

November 1, 2017

Keep it between the lines, advises an old country song from my youth. “Quast,” you say. “If it’s from your youth, drop the modifier ‘old.’ That’s a given.” You’d be right. Yesterday was ghoulish, as my Halloween trick was turning 50. Dead in the middle...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?