Market Structure Insights

July 15, 2015

You need to defend yourselves as public companies. This clarion lesson comes from last week’s trading halt at the NYSE though we think the exchange handled the outage correctly. Humans want pictures of perfection like Saturday’s Balloon Rodeo in Steamboat Springs. But don’t expect serendipity...

July 8, 2015

Picture a mountain river still crisp with snowmelt babbling happily. Now imagine a town on its banks. Suppose thousands of people jammed the waters congenially in every kind of flotation device, laughing and floating downstream. That’s Steamboat Springs CO on July 4. But babbling should...

July 1, 2015

The problem with kicking the can down the road is what happens when you reach a hill. Speaking of hills, Taos wasn’t what we’d expected. Galleries cluster the square, yes. We loved our circuitous bike ride along the foothills to Arroyo Seco. El Meze boasts...

June 24, 2015

What moves you? I gave it thought during ModernIR’s tenth NIRI National (I think 18 of them total for me now) at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, here looking north across the river from the 33rd floor. It’s easy to fall into habits and skirt...

June 17, 2015

As the US investor-relations profession’s annual confabulation concludes in the Windy City, we wonder how the week will end. The problem is risk. Or rather, the cost of transferring it to somebody else. Today the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee Meeting adjourns with Janet Yellen...

June 10, 2015

The equity market is like Mark Twain said. The trouble ain’t what people don’t know, it’s what they know that ain’t so. Thus did Sam Clemens articulate the difference between the price of ignorance and the consequence of arrogance. I thought about this distinction a...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?