Market Structure Insights

July 25, 2012

“What happened to our stock?” It remains the question that haunts the dreams of IR professionals. Well, that and whether it’s better to use “via” or “through” in the call script. Looking back through July Sentiment Indicators for clients, which reflect how passive and active...

July 18, 2012

For what struck me as a giant one-day life metaphor, I joined 2,500 other clinically insane individuals Sunday on Colorado’s hallowed cycling Triple Bypass (motto: “For Those Who Dare”). Coursing from Avon to Evergreen over 123 miles and a triune set of towering climbs totaling...

July 11, 2012

The recent SEC approval of plans by the NYSE to attract retail dark liquidity generated a nationwide acronym alert. Just kidding. Mostly. But acronyms in hordes do assault readers of the NYSE rule. It was not readily apparent that the filing had been composed in...

July 5, 2012

We’re a day late this week in deference to an important birthday yesterday. After 236 years, there are lines and age spots but the countenance still juts, resolute. Do people send you group emails sometimes with those images where if you stare at them, suddenly...

June 27, 2012

Here’s a riddle: Name a four-letter word that describes why currencies fluctuate and why money in equities modulates around options expirations and the ends of months and quarters. While you’re thinking about it, I’ll tell you a story. I was in freshman college speech one...

June 20, 2012

Thrilling. Arduous. Rewarding. Draining. Spectacular. No, not the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting concluding today with a soliloquy before public microphones from the chairman. We mean our grand cycling adventure riding the Rockies on the high backbone of the fruited plain last week. After...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?