Market Structure Insights
April 18, 2012
If somebody tells you he has a plan to improve your financial condition by borrowing your credit card and buying himself a bunch of stuff with it, be suspicious. With that setup, we have a story to tell you. In a minute. First, we said...
April 10, 2012
There’s an old stock market joke. Every time one person sells, another buys, and they both think they’re smart. Value is relative. And yet. Anybody in the IR chair pencils valuations for his or her shares. Isn’t this the battle – measuring value? Karen and...
April 4, 2012
It was 85 degrees Sunday in Denver when Karen and I rode up local landmark Lookout Mountain on bikes to pay respects at Buffalo Bill’s grave. We woke to snow Tuesday. Speaking of hot and cold, we told clients to expect a good start Monday...
March 28, 2012
Suppose the chairperson of the national central bank strode from the organization’s Gothic façade on Maiden Lane and said, “Job growth is likely temporary, and folks are going to have to borrow money and buy stuff just to keep the economy running like a used...
March 21, 2012
We’re in glorious Cincinnati where the land is rushing headlong into spring. Even a photo snapped in haste northward at night from Covington at the John Roebling Bridge seems cast in ethereal light. Speaking of rushing headlong, if you’re here in the heartland, join us...
March 14, 2012
We are writing an algorithm that will identify when the performance of your shares is “sexy.” Just kidding. Mostly. It’s no joke, however, that trading behaviors can be measured. We said in Market Structure reports for clients this morning: “Broadly, lock-step group behavior means markets...