Market Structure Insights

July 17, 2013

There’s apparently a reality TV show called “Dating in the Dark.” It must lack the cachet of Survivor or The Bachelor because you don’t hear much about it. The gist is that a number of people of opposite sexes wander around in utter blackness falling...

July 10, 2013

If stocks trade on moving averages, why do high-frequency firms hire math whizzes? Providing some form of answer, Thomson Reuters will cease publishing the University of Michigan’s twice-monthly consumer-confidence survey two seconds early to premium data customers including high-speed traders, following pressure from New York...

July 3, 2013

Bonjour! Ca va? We’re back from touring Provence aboard cycling saddles, weighing heavier on the pedals after warmly embracing regional food and drink. Lavender air, stone-walled villages perched over vineyards, crisp mornings and warm days, endless twilight, chilled Viogniers from small-lot Luberon wineries. If these...

June 19, 2013

We’re in Paris. After last week’s pelting Hollywood, FL schedule at NIRI National 2013, we’re sight-seeing along the Seine and then wheels-down southward through Provence on bikes. Tell you about it in two weeks. Back to NIRI. The Westin Diplomat taunts with beckoning views of...

June 12, 2013

EDITORIAL NOTE: This edition of the Market Structure Map ran nearly a year ago, on May 30, 2012, right ahead of the NIRI National Conference, the IR profession’s annual gathering. We’re at NIRI again now, in sultry south Florida with our professional compatriots conferencing at the Westin Diplomat...

June 5, 2013

Dollar General (NYSE:DG) dropped 9% yesterday, offering a lesson to investor-relations professionals. Before that, a plug: At NIRI National next week I’m paneling with the CEO of short-seller Tesseract Management and the head of securities-lending for Franklin Templeton on short-selling strategy and practices. Longtime NIRI...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?