Market Structure Insights

August 21, 2013

“We’ve got 25 analysts. What new thing can we say to change investors’ minds?” So lamented the IRO of a large household name this week. If everybody knows the same thing everywhere, how can you distinguish yourself? Tone of voice? Outfit? Teeth-whitening? We live in...

August 14, 2013

“What do you see out there?” Out here in Crested Butte, CO, where the overnight temperature was 35 degrees, we see vast beauty, perhaps unparalleled on the planet. As for the other “out there,” it’s the No. 1 question we’ve gotten the past two weeks,...

August 7, 2013

In France we saw Auguste Rodin’s famous sculpture, The Thinker. You know the one? A chiseled fellow (literally and figuratively) pondering in the nude. It’s good to sit down and think (no need to disrobe however). Why are you here? I mean, on an exchange....

July 31, 2013

Where have I been? Somehow, I missed the fun happening in SEC filings for large banks like Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank. If you already know what BARES are – Buffered Accelerated Return Equity Securities, of course – goody...

July 24, 2013

Have you seen those Pure Michigan ads? Compelling. Summer in Colorado could be a brand too, as these views of Hanging Lake near Glenwood Springs and Vail at morning last week attest. We seize every chance to savor the high country. Speaking of chance, high-frequency...

July 17, 2013

There’s apparently a reality TV show called “Dating in the Dark.” It must lack the cachet of Survivor or The Bachelor because you don’t hear much about it. The gist is that a number of people of opposite sexes wander around in utter blackness falling...

Want to know your Passive characteristics? How to rethink your earnings reporting cycle?